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Get Involved

Masorti On Campus offers a variety of programs to enrich and empower our network of communities and help our students develop spiritually and cultivate new skills.

College Friends

Programs for the school year

Masorti Shabbaton Project

Strong communities need passionate leaders. Our annual Shabbaton offers inspiring services, empowering Torah learning, and opportunities for college students to connect with professionals in the field.

Start your own Masorti Community

If you and a group of friends would like to start a Masorti community, we would love to help and support you.

Masorti Campus Fellowship

You'll be part of a cohort of student leaders from across North American train up a team of volunteer leaders, help you assess your community’s areas for development, and support you as you make plans and take action. The results? More members and deeper levels of participation, relationships and leadership.

Mercaz – Masorti for Israel

Mercaz is the Zionist arm of the global Masorti movement. Our aim is to defend religious pluralism, democratic values and minority rights in Israel. We also work to secure vital funding for Masorti Judaism’s educational work in Israel and around the world – including our campuses!

Winter Break & Summer Programs

Synagogue 2

Winter Break in Jerusalem

Ta’amu U’r’u – Taste & See
The Conservative Yeshiva offers college-age students from North America a chance to experience yeshiva life in Jerusalem first-hand through a highly subsidized 2-week program of immersive Torah study.

The Conservative Yeshiva
Jerusalem, Israel

Summer in The City

Nishma is a summer program where students immerse themselves in Torah learning, cultivating the skills to  access classical Jewish sources: Talmud, Midrash, halakhah, Hebrew, and parshanut (Torah and its commentaries). The program is split into two four-week sessions. Students can elect to participate in either session or both.

The Jewish Theological Seminary
New York, New York

26 Days in Sunny California

The Ziering Brandeis Collegiate Institute (BCI) brings together young Jewish adults from all over the world to engage in Jewish learning, arts, culture and an exploration of community and self.

American Jewish University

Simi Valley, California

Masorti On Campus
520 8th Ave. 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018


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©2021 by Masorti On Campus. Proud partner of MERCAZ USA and MASORTI X

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